Organization of civil society

Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations through expert and resource support

Dissemination and introduction of sustainable development

Distribution and implementation of the concept of sustainable development on the territory of Ukraine in accordance with the UN goals – 2050

Support for local communities, activists and youth

Establishing contact and interaction between citizens and local self-government bodies, authorities

Social development, distribution, implementation of ideas

Development of social entrepreneurship, organization of workshops and conferences on socio-humanitarian subjects


Volunteer School

“Volunteer School” is a project aimed at promoting volunteering ideas, raising awareness of the historical experience of volunteering in the world, encouraging citizens, including internally displaced persons (VPO), to actively participate in the community life of their community, the union of VPO and the community in order to achieve mutual goals and create a positive image of Ukraine.
The project is designed to solve the problem of inadequate theoretical and practical training of volunteers, as well as the lack of specialists who organize and coordinate the work of volunteers.
The final goal of the project is to create a new All-Ukrainian social network of activists capable of developing an effective dialogue between the community and authorities in the implementation of social projects.

The date of the School of Volunteers in each city where the event will take place. Detailed information about time and place can be found on the links.

Key Projects

About Us

We are near to help!

ALL-UKRAINIAN PUBLIC ORGANIZATION “PORUCH” – a voluntary, independent all-Ukrainian public organization founded on the basis of the unity of the interests of the citizens of Ukraine for the joint realization of their rights and freedoms, the implementation of activities aimed at satisfying and protecting the legitimate social, economic, creative, spiritual and other common interests of its members and other citizens. The organization operates on the basis of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Public Associations”, the Statute and in accordance with other current legislation of Ukraine.
The main purpose of the organization’s activity is: satisfaction and protection of legitimate social, economic, creative, age, national, cultural, sports and other common interests of its members and other citizens, promotion of the formation of civil society and self-organization of the population by raising awareness of the public on the need to create an effective system of national and civil institutions.

0 Volunteers
0 Experts
0 Events
0 Projects
0 Certificates


US Agency of international development
Міжнародної Oрганізації з Міграції
United Nations Development Programme
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Team of NGO

Олег Лащук

Олег Лащук

Голова правління ВГО, експерт
Впровадження бізнес стандартів франчайзингу на підприємствах-партнерах. Підготовлені та впроваджені зміни законодавства щодо комерційної концесії. Запроваджений «Кодекс Етики Франчайзингу України». Створені...
Марія Тищенко

Марія Тищенко

Виконавча директорка, експертка
Виконавча директорка, експертка Доцентка кафедри економії теорії ДВНЗ «КНЕУ ім. В. Гетьмана». Менторка команд України, Грузії Шведського міжнародного центру з місцевої демократії...


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